
Standard Roller Chain
BS/DIN GT4 Winner


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BS/DIN GT4 Winner


Since 1917 Tsubakimoto Chain Company has maintained a line-up of cutting-edge chain products with exceptional quality and performance that help end-users meet their power transmission and conveying requirements.

Tsubaki is proud to introduce the 4th generation, enhanced BS/DIN European premium chain. The product is available in chain sizes from RF06B up to RS48B*. Simplex, duplex and triplex executions are at your disposal.
*RF06B curled bush; RS56B/RS72B on request

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tsubaki rs bs

Single Strand Details

gt4 winner
Tsubaki Chain No. Pitch (p) Roller Diameter Inner Width
mm Inch R W
RS05B-1 8.00 0.315" 5.00 3.00
RF06B-1 9.525 ⅜" 6.35 5.72
RS08B-1 12.70 ½" 8.51 7.75
RS10B-1 15.875 ⅝" 10.16 9.65
RS12B-1 19.05 ¾" 12.07 11.68
RS16B-1 25.40 1" 15.88 17.02
RS20B-1 31.75 1¼" 19.05 19.56
RS24B-1 38.10 1½" 25.40 25.40
RS28B-1 44.45 1¾" 27.94 30.99
RS32B-1 50.80 2" 29.21 30.99
RS40B-1 63.50 2½" 39.37 38.10
RS48B-1 76.20 3" 48.26 45.72
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Pin Link Plate
Diameter Length Offset Pin
Thickness Height
D L1 L2 L T1 T2 H
RS05B-1 2.30 3.80 4.70 - 0.75 0.75 7.10
RF06B-1 3.27 6.10 7.70 14.20 1.00 1.30 8.20
RS08B-1 4.45 8.40 10.00 18.60 1.60 1.60 11.80
RS10B-1 5.08 9.55 11.25 20.80 1.50 1.50 14.70
RS12B-1 5.72 11.10 13.00 24.40 1.80 1.80 16.10
RS16B-1 8.28 17.75 19.95 41.10 3.20 4.00 21.00
RS20B-1 10.19 19.90 23.10 46.60 3.40 4.40 26.00
RS24B-1 14.63 26.65 31.85 61.70 5.60 6.00 33.40
RS28B-1 15.90 32.45 37.45 74.40 6.30 7.50 36.40
RS32B-1 17.81 32.10 37.70 73.30 6.30 7.00 42.20
RS40B-1 22.89 39.25 45.05 88.60 8.00 8.50 52.90
RS48B-1 29.23 49.30 58.80 117.70 10.00 12.10 63.80
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Transverse Pitch

Tensile Strength
Min. Tensile Strength
Allowable Load
Approx. mass

RS05B-1 - 4.40 5.00 1.26 0.18
RF06B-1 - 8.90 9.00 1.95 0.39
RS08B-1 - 17.8 19.0 3.80 0.70
RS10B-1 - 22.2 23.0 4.52 0.95
RS12B-1 - 28.9 31.0 5.28 1.25
RS16B-1 - 60.0 70.0 13.1 2.70
RS20B-1 - 95.0 98.1 18.4 3.85
RS24B-1 - 160.0 167.0 27.1 7.45
RS28B-1 - 200.0 200.0 37.5 9.45
RS32B-1 - 250.0 255.0 41.0 10.25
RS40B-1 - 355.0 373.0 51.0 16.35
RS48B-1 - 560.0 565.0 77.0 25.00
  • RF06B chain has flat-shaped link plates.
  • Connecting links are clip type for sizes up to RS16B, and cotter type for sizes RS20B to RS48B.
  • Center sink riveting is applied to RS08B-1 to RS16B-1 single strand chain.
  • Double stake riveting is applied to all other sizes including multi-strand chain.

Double Strand Details

gt4 winner
Tsubaki Chain No. Pitch (p) Roller Diameter Inner Width
mm Inch R W
RF06B-2 9.525 ⅜" 6.35 5.72
RS08B-2 12.70 ½" 8.51 7.75
RS10B-2 15.875 ⅝" 10.16 9.65
RS12B-2 19.05 ¾" 12.07 11.68
RS16B-2 25.40 1" 15.88 17.02
RS20B-2 31.75 1¼" 19.05 19.56
RS24B-2 38.10 1½" 25.40 25.40
RS28B-2 44.45 1¾" 27.94 30.99
RS32B-2 50.80 2" 29.21 30.99
RS40B-2 63.50 2½" 39.37 38.10
RS48B-2 76.20 3" 48.26 45.72
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Pin Link Plate
Diameter Length Offset Pin
Thickness Height
D L1 L2 L T1 T2 H
RF06B-2 3.27 11.20 12.80 25.90 1.00 1.30 8.20
RS08B-2 4.45 15.30 16.90 34.50 1.60 1.60 11.80
RS10B-2 5.08 17.85 19.55 39.40 1.50 1.50 14.70
RS12B-2 5.72 20.85 22.75 45.90 1.80 1.80 16.10
RS16B-2 8.28 33.55 35.75 75.20 3.20 4.00 21.00
RS20B-2 10.19 38.25 41.45 84.60 3.40 4.40 26.00
RS24B-2 14.63 50.80 56.00 112.80 5.60 6.00 33.40
RS28B-2 15.90 62.15 67.15 136.60 6.30 7.50 36.40
RS32B-2 17.81 61.25 66.85 134.50 6.30 7.00 42.20
RS40B-2 22.89 75.40 81.20 163.55 8.00 8.50 52.90
RS48B-2 29.23 95.00 104.40 209.00 10.00 12.10 63.80
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Transverse Pitch

Tensile Strength
Min. Tensile Strength
Allowable Load
Approx. mass

RF06B-2 10.24 16.90 17.00 3.32 0.75
RS08B-2 13.92 31.10 32.00 6.46 1.35
RS10B-2 16.59 44.50 44.50 7.68 1.85
RS12B-2 19.46 57.80 61.00 8.98 2.50
RS16B-2 31.88 106.0 128.0 22.30 5.40
RS20B-2 36.45 170.0 197.0 31.30 7.65
RS24B-2 48.36 280.0 335.0 46.10 14.65
RS28B-2 59.56 360.0 374.0 63.80 18.80
RS32B-2 58.55 450.0 485.0 69.70 21.10
RS40B-2 72.29 630.0 716.0 86.70 32.00
RS48B-2 91.21 1000.0 1000.0 131.0 50.00
  • RF06B chain has flat-shaped link plates.
  • Connecting links are clip type for sizes up to RS16B, and cotter type for sizes RS20B to RS48B.
  • Intermediate plate of multi strand RF06B and RS08B chain is a solid plate.
  • Double stake riveting is applied to all other sizes including multi-strand chain.

Triple Strand Details

gt 4winner
Tsubaki Chain No. Pitch (p) Roller Diameter Inner Width
mm Inch R W
RF06B-3 9.525 ⅜" 6.35 5.72
RS08B-3 12.70 ½" 8.51 7.75
RS10B-3 15.875 ⅝" 10.16 9.65
RS12B-3 19.05 ¾" 12.07 11.68
RS16B-3 25.40 1" 15.88 17.02
RS20B-3 31.75 1¼" 19.05 19.56
RS24B-3 38.10 1½" 25.40 25.40
RS28B-3 44.45 1¾" 27.94 30.99
RS32B-3 50.80 2" 29.21 30.99
RS40B-3 63.50 2½" 39.37 38.10
RS48B-3 76.20 3" 48.26 45.72
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Pin Link Plate
Diameter Length Offset Pin
Thickness Height
D L1 L2 L T1 T2 H
RS05B-3 2.30 9.45 10.34 - 0.75 0.75 7.10
RF06B-3 3.27 16.90 17.50 - 1.00 1.30 8.20
RS08B-3 4.45 22.25 23.85 47.60 1.60 1.60 11.80
RS10B-3 5.08 26.15 27.85 56.00 1.50 1.50 14.70
RS12B-3 5.72 30.60 32.50 65.40 1.80 1.80 16.10
RS16B-3 8.28 49.50 51.70 107.10 3.20 4.00 21.00
RS20B-3 10.19 56.50 59.70 121.00 3.40 4.40 26.00
RS24B-3 14.63 75.10 80.20 161.10 5.60 6.00 33.40
RS28B-3 15.90 91.95 96.95 195.90 6.30 7.50 36.40
RS32B-3 17.81 90.50 96.10 192.60 6.30 7.00 42.20
RS40B-3 22.89 111.50 117.30 235.30 8.00 8.50 52.90
RS48B-3 29.23 140.60 150.00 300.20 12.10 10.00 63.80
Dimensions in mm
Tsubaki Chain No. Transverse Pitch

Tensile Strength
Min. Tensile Strength
Allowable Load
Approx. mass

RF06B-3 10.24 24.90 24.90 4.88 1.11
RS08B-3 13.92 44.50 47.50 9.50 2.00
RS10B-3 16.59 66.70 66.80 11.30 2.80
RS12B-3 19.46 86.70 92.00 13.20 3.80
RS16B-3 31.88 160.0 192.0 32.80 8.00
RS20B-3 36.45 250.0 295.0 46.00 11.45
RS24B-3 48.36 425.0 500.0 67.80 21.75
RS28B-3 59.56 530.0 560.0 93.80 28.20
RS32B-3 58.55 670.0 729.0 103.0 29.90
RS40B-3 72.29 950.0 1080.0 128.0 47.75
RS48B-3 91.21 1500.0 1520.0 193.0 75.00
  • RF06B chain has flat-shaped link plates.
  • Intermediate plate of multi strand RF06B and RS08B chain is a solid plate.
  • Connecting links are clip type for sizes up to RS16B, and cotter type for sizes RS20B to RS48B.
  • Double stake riveting is applied to all other sizes including multi-strand chain.

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